《赫芬頓郵報》(The Huffington Post)記者Ryan Reilly在自己推特上公佈的聯邦調查局消息中稱,“聯邦調查局里士滿地區分局、公民權力部門和弗吉尼亞西區聯邦地區法院開始在公民權力領域對汽車撞人死亡事件情況進行調查。此事件發生於12日上午。聯邦調查局將收集所有可獲得的事實和證據。”
© REUTERS / Stephen LamDemonstrators march in response to the Charlottesville, Virginia car attack in Oakland
Demonstrators march in response to the Charlottesville, Virginia car attack in Oakland
© REUTERS / Joshua RobertsCounter demonstrators attack a white supremacist during a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
Counter demonstrators attack a white supremacist during a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
Demonstrators march in response to the Charlottesville, Virginia car attack in Oakland
Counter demonstrators attack a white supremacist during a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
Demonstrators protesting the violence over the Virginia protests demonstrate by closing down the freeway in Oakland